Monday, October 25, 2010


Morocco has of late garnered media attention for hosting the ilming of Sex and the City’s risqué sequel, after the United Arab Emirates’ government backed out, judging the ilm too scandalous for the conservative emirates.

More tellingly, perhaps, Morocco welcomed the gay British singer Elton John at its Mawazine festival in Rabat this year, a sign of real-life tolerance that triumphed over pro-tests by hard-line religious groups. While beach goers generally lock to Morocco’s more developed Atlantic coast, the Mediterranean village of Oued Laou is an oft-overlooked alternative north of the popular mountain town of Chefchaouen, known for its hash cafés. Oued Laou is a quiet ishing village, but the surrounding landscape is among the most lush in Morocco, and the nearby beaches are sparsely populated. New development in Tangiers, where European travelers disembark after a ferry ride from Spain, is revitalizing the city, says Joel Zack, president of Heritage Tours Private Travel. He has seen the town emerge from seediness to welcome its irst boutique hotels, including the Nord Pinus. 
The archaeological site of Leptis
Magna, in Libya.


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